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The COPABASE Cooperative, in partnership with FOUNDATION BANCO DO BRASIL, BB SEGUROS, BANCO DO BRASIL, COOPERFORTE and BANCO BV, carried out an action to face Covid-19 as the “Proteger and Save Lives” Project. More than 1000 families were assisted with around 2000 food baskets delivered to the municipalities of Arinos, Riachinho, Urucuia and Uruana de Minas. A way to support vulnerable families ​​ and even family farmers, who in this period of pandemic demand to achieve production. All basic food baskets come from products from family farming in the region and from local businesses.

Learn more and how to do it: 


Sustainable Cotton Project starts training activities


In December 2019, the municipalities of Arinos and Uruana de Minas (MG), or ISPN, held training and articulation workshops with farmers and family farmers of the Projeto Algodão Sustentável Não Fechado, an initiative developed by the entity with funding from the C&A Institute. The collective moment that guides and stimulates the beneficiaries of the first stages of cotton production, characterized as agroecological. Planned forms where, when and how it will be produced in rural communities, the cotton commercialization processes and the necessary measures for the Project to remain sustainable and achieve autonomy.

In all, there are about 45 people directly benefited in the northwest region of Minas Gerais, in the cities of Arinos, Riachinho, Uruana de Minas, Natalândia, Formoso, Bonfinópolis, Brasilândia de Minas, Santa Fé de Minas and Dom Bosco. Because it is an agroecological cotton production, also oriented to receive the organic seal or seal, farmers will be able to sell it with small and medium-sized fashion companies, or that will contribute to sustainable and conscious consumption in society, in addition to guaranteeing more income generation and promoting the quality of life of the communities served by the initiative.

The Sustainable Cotton Project is part of ISPN's Closed and Caatinga Program, and is part of the organization's strategy to promote Eco-Social Producer Countries (PPP-ECOS).

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Debate on a baru production chain, its challenges and opportunities!


The main challenges for baru production and the challenges faced by extractive communities in commercialization north of the 1st Fair and Solidarity Trade Office of the Baru Chain, during the IX Meeting and Fair of the Cerrado Peoples 2019, which brings together more than 500 representatives of traditional communities and communities of the biome, at FUNARTE, from September 11th to 14th.

The aim was to find organizations organized by Rede Fechada and draw attention to the clashes over Berço das Águas. Producers, buyers, retailers, workers at the Cooperative, chefs and representatives of entities that work for the conservation of the Cerrado provide the opportunity to, together, exchange knowledge and chart paths to find a production chain that is exclusively Brazilian and typical of the biome.  

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How to improve a baru production chain?

These were two themes of the 1st Fair and Solidarity Trade Workshop of the Baru Chain, during the IX Meeting and Fair of the Cerrado Peoples 2019, which brings together more than 500 representatives of traditional communities and communities of the biome, at FUNARTE, from September 11 to 14.

COPASE presents expressive results with the production of baru. At the end of 2018, 10 tons were benefited by the country and the expectation is to reach 15 tons in 2019. “Baru is not just an economic good that generates income for extractive families, it is also a product that generates autonomy and gives self-esteem to two extractivist relatives of farmers. The objective of the cooperative is to keep families in the countryside in a sustainable way, contributing to a better environment, while facilitating people's growth. In this case, we will highlight the principles of fair trade that must be practiced between the food industries, farmers and extractivists”, says Dionete Barbosa, technical coordinator of COPABASE.

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Slow Food and Copabase represent Fortaleza da Castanha do

Baru at Terra Madre 2018


Most of the time, the Slow Food movement will be present all over the world, it will be held in Turin (Italy) on September 20, 2018. Dedicated to food culture, Terra Madre brings together a large market with exhibitors, various events to discover the culinary riches of the world and conferences to expand your views on the world of two foods. Cooperativa Copabase represented by Manager Dionete Figueiredo Barboza participates in the event and encamps the representation of “Fortaleza do Baru”, a Slow Food strategy whose main objective is to preserve traditional products at risk of extinction.

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Strengthening the Traditional Production of the Urucuia Handicraft Network

Grande Sertão - Central Paths selected!


On the initiative of DGM Brasil, it released the final result of its second edition / 2018, which supports initiatives distributed throughout the Brazilian Cerrado and supported by four strategic axes: Agroecological practices; Consolidation and diversification of markets and cultural protection; Recovery of degraded natural resources; Promotion of Territorial and Environmental Management in the Territories of Indigenous Peoples, Quilombolas and Traditional Communities.

The selection process contains 106 registered expressions of interest. Of these, 67 forms were received online (enrolments made on the website) and 39 sent by post. In all, 11 indigenous initiatives, 4 quilombolas and 4 from traditional communities were pre-selected.

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The Cooperative COPABASE has already been certified by the Accreditation of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - ATER, by the National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - ANATER, pursuant to Law 12,897 of December 2013 and Decree 8,282 of May 26, 2014.

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International Day of Cooperativism


Cooperativism is a precept that indicates the collaboration and association of people or groups with the same interests, and with the objective of acquiring common advantages for such economic activities. There are two foundations of cooperativism or social progress through cooperation and mutual help for those who find themselves in the same situation achieved, in addition to their efforts, ensuring survival. 

The cooperative movement aims to promote dialogue and understanding between people and seeks great ideas such as peace, freedom and, above all, solidarity, whose focus is always on human guidelines. Transform an appropriate comment to outline a broader approach to a business or government and other institutions.

Thanks to the International Day of Cooperatives, you are responsible for local and international politicians, we can become cooperatives that contribute to the creation of a more sustainable and resilient society, and direct your efforts to include cooperatives in the political processes related to sustainability.

Source: Unicafes 



In 2015, countries have the opportunity to join a new sustainable development agenda and a global agreement on climate change. Thus, based on the MDGs, the SDGs will emerge to complete the efforts and results obtained in the previous agenda. There are 17 objectives and 169 goals to be achieved by 2030. Its themes are divided into four main dimensions: social, environmental, economic and institutional. It is a concept that addresses an innovative development proposal, considering a construction approach for collective participation in the organization, development and implementation process. It is based on the dissemination of solutions to problems related to the demands of food, education, energy, housing, income, water resources, health, environment, among others.

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 COPABASE selected in the Announcement  Partnership Fund for Ecosystems

Critics - CEPF Cerrado


CEPF is a global program that provides funds and technical assistance to civil society groups, such as non-governmental organizations, community groups and private sector actors that implement conservation projects in this hotspot (Cerrado).

Sustainable production practices as promoters of biodiversity conservation in the Sertão Urucuiano. PROPOSAL 100461

Specific objectives: Sustainable technologies and sustainable practices of agroextractivist production, food security and socioeconomic organization in the regions of Urucuia and Grande Sertão valleys. Develop actions to promote, preserve and conserve the biodiversity of the Urucuian cerrado through the involvement of rural families, ADRS and a network of business associations.

Learn more about at:

Notebooks on Sustainable Extractivism


The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) launched 21 technical booklets on guided and systematized cultivation for some native species of Brazilian flora, which are used as raw material for socio-biodiversity products. Read more about this initiative on the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation website. 

The material is available in a digital version and can be accessed here!


Certified 2017


To promote the strengthening of the productive base of the Vale do Rio Urucuia region - COPABASE, the mobilization and social organization of family farmers, the increase and diversification of income of family farmers with the participation of young people and women,  dissemination of agroecological practices, continuous technical assistance with families of family farmers, extractivists, young people, women and artisans, for the organization of production chains, income generation, innovation for production and training, support for excellent management, guidance for agroecological management, good handling practices, various controls, notions about public policies and access to markets, developed by a multidisciplinary team hired by the cooperative and acting in accordance with the participatory methodology of building knowledge through popular wisdom and scientific technical knowledge.


Read more about certification at Bando de Tecnologias:

Brazilian Congress of Agroecology 

VI Latin American Congress of Agroecology, X Brazilian Congress of Agroecology and V Seminar on Agroecology of the Federal District and Surroundings. 


The COPABASE Cooperative was one of the institutions that benefited from the first Ecoforte public notice. “Ecoforte was very important for us. It was given the opportunity for two years (2015/2016) by a technical assistance and rural extension work team (Ater) to systematize many of the methodologies and work that people have already done, such as an agroecology that can be implemented massively, thanks to the policy”, commented the cooperative’s manager, Dionete Figueiredo, 33 years old. “We have always worked on environmental issues, diversification of production chains, through diversified and pulverized work. With Ecoforte, we can bring a strong theme of agroecology, which was previously so practiced with the extraction of bauru and the fruits of the cerrado. ”



New baru  in Arinos (MG) will expand Copabase production

Inaugurated on Thursday, May 18, 2017, the new agroindustry for processing baru nuts. The project will directly serve 50 extractivists and family farmers in the municipality of Arinos (MG), with the participation of young people from rural areas, in addition to 100 families indirectly.

From the inauguration of the unit, Copabase will start a nut promotion campaign in the Slow Food movement - which promotes improvement in the quality of food and a production that values the product, the producer and the preservation of biodiversity. This is the Fortaleza do Baru program, which will promote the nutritional benefits of baru and its clean and fair extraction by family farmers.


Central Veredas wins 1st place in the Crafts category at the Brasil Criativo Awards


The Brasil Criativo Award was created to stimulate the production of innovative solutions for the development of the creative economy in the country. In all, 22 categories were awarded, including Handicrafts. The winners of each category will participate in a business roundtable with investment funds, mentoring and training hours, support for the creation of promotional material and structuring to publish a crowdfunding campaign.

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Agroecological production offers alternative income for families in Minas Gerais

The project developed in the Northwest region of Minas - in the municipalities of Arinos, Chapada Gaúcha, Natalândia, Riachinho, Uruana de Minas and Urucuia - is carried out by the Copabase cooperative. The entity is among the 28 networks enabled and served by the Ecoforte Redes public notice throughout Brazil, a program that aims to strengthen family farming based on agroecology, extractivism and organic production. The initiative is from the Banco do Brasil Foundation, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and partners, with a total social investment of R$ 34.6 million. The objective of the Copabase project is to structure 53 reference units in small rural properties and agricultural settlements that will serve as a model to disseminate the culture of organic and sustainable family farming in a region dominated by the monoculture of soy and corn. The goal is to directly reach 1,750 producers. 

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Barraginhas will protect the soil of family farmers in the northwest of Minas Gerais.


A project carried out by the Sustainable Family Agriculture Cooperative based on the Solidarity Economy (Copabase) provides for the construction of 300 dams that will benefit 100 family farmers. Barraginhas are small basins dug into the ground that accumulate rainwater and prevent runoff, erosion and provide the reactivation of the water table and springs. The agreement, which has the support of Fundação BB and Brasilcap in the amount of R$ 199 thousand, was signed in 2016 in Arinos (MG) in a ceremony that was attended by members of the entity and Banco do Brasil in the city.

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Copabase and Central Veredas inspect the Banco do Brasil Foundation's annual report 

In 2016, Fundação Banco do Brasil was recorded as stories of them and other family groups that, organized in a “collective laboratory” and in “solidarity cunning”, for their crucial words, produced and marketed baru nuts, cassava flour, honey and other products that follow the region’s farming traditions. It was they who inspired the production of this document. He is a thread of this meada that tells how our story was in the last year.

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COPABASE selected in the Rural Youth Notice

The objective of the public notice is to select projects that aim to promote social inclusion, income generation and the protagonism of young people living in rural areas. In all, 59 projects were enabled.

Conducted by the Banco do Brasil Foundation, in partnership with the National Bank for Social Development (BNDES), a selection aimed at cooperatives or statistics with more than two years of existence, formed by families and family entrepreneurs; foresters; artisan extractivists; fish farmers; artisanal fishermen; Indian people; and quilombola communities located in the countryside.



Copabase receives visits from two KVLV members on

 October 25 to November 27, 2015

Unicafes Minas in partnership with TRIAS will organize or exchange KVLV for a group of 6 Belgians to visit the Brazilian regions where Unicafes is located.

After visiting Rio de Janeiro, not on October 25th, instead of visiting the city of Arinos, northwest of Minas Gerais, together with cooperators or groups, we can learn about family farming practices, every day through visits and interviews. Much more satisfaction and pride in our region and our work!

Discover or TRIAS on

Family farming participates in Superminas for the first time

October 20th to 22nd, 2015


With the support of Secretary of the State of Agrarian Development, family farming cooperatives are exhibiting a wide variety of family farming items that still lack supermarket stores and neighborhoods in the country. A Copabase headquartered in the region of Arinos, not in the northwest region of Mineiro, is formed by about 170 family farmers, a cooperative brought roasted baru nuts, saffron, honey, brown sugar, cerrado fruit pulp (mangaba, cagaita, araticum, coquinho sour), all registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

 Source :

9th Meeting of Journalists Fundação Banco do Brasil 

30 YEARS -  August 13, 2015


On August 13, 2015, an event at the Banco do Brasil Foundation, in Brasília, or the 9th Meeting of Journalists, with the theme “Social Protagonism: Communication to Transform Realities”, an event that brings together around 80 journalists from all over Brazil. Representing Cooperativa COPABASE to manager Dionete Barboza, Mr. José Milton, Financial Director and Maria Nadir president of Central Veredas de Artesanato, will tell how the initiation or process of constitution of the Cooperative that you see and reference in Network in the region of Vale do Urucuia, and how this Economic business has passed to Solidário their life and that of two other cooperators.

Cooperativa Copabase receives Federal Inspection Seal - SIF for the production of honey from bees.


The Sustainable Family Agriculture Cooperative based on the Solidarity Economy (Copabase), located in the city of Arinos (MG), won the Federal Inspection Seal (SIF) for its honey production. The document allows the sale of the product to supermarket chains, pharmacies, food industries, and attests that the product meets quality standards, norms and guidelines for hygiene and standardization. The entity is the only family farming and solidarity economy enterprise in the north and northwest of Minas Gerais that obtained the SIF. According to Dionete Figueiredo, manager and consultant at Copabase, acquiring the SIF was "one of the greatest achievements", as the product gains possibilities to be inserted in the regional market, in the Federal District, and even internationally. “The Seal will bring us market possibilities on a large scale, and will also enable us to be a self-sustainable enterprise,” he reported.

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Source: BB Foundation

Talents from Rural Brazil August 13, 2012


On August 13, 2012, Copabase and Central Veredas received a visit from the coordinator of the Talentos do Brasil Rural project to Mr. Mariah Vilar to start the program's actions. This project  supports the structuring of productive groups in a sustainable way, organizing family farming products and services in the Brazilian tourist market, adding value with a focus on the market for bars, hotels and restaurants in the 12 host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Partners: MDA- SEBRAE- MTur- GTZ and MMA.


Sustainable production against poverty

COPABASE cooperative improves living conditions for small farmers in Vale do Urucuia (MG).

 Revista Mercado Edition 43 - July 2011

Rural producers in the Urucuia Valley, Northwest of Minas Gerais, are changing the reality of one of the regions with the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in the state. They were able to increase productivity and income through cooperation. Together they also carry out social projects and develop actions for the environmental preservation of the paths that served as inspiration for the work of Guimarães Rosa. It all started seven years ago, when the producers participated in the Urucuia Valley Territorial Development project carried out by the Urucuia River Valley Development Agency in partnership with the Banco do Brasil Foundation and Sebrae-MG. At the time, Sebrae-MG offered producers management training and encouraged farmers to unite. “We encouraged the spirit of leadership and the search for knowledge, so that they would be able to find solutions together”, says Sebrae-MG analyst, Emerson Gonçalves. Four years later, the producers felt the need to be more independent. The objective was to create sales channels and increase the group's income. The initiative resulted in the formation of the Sustainable Family Agriculture Cooperative based on the Solidarity Economy (Copabase), which continued to receive financial support from the Banco do Brasil Foundation and Sebrae-MG in training and business missions.

Copabase serves 250 rural producers from eight municipalities who work in agricultural activities and handicrafts

See the report in full.


Copabase is privileged to use the Family Farming Participation Identification Seal on its products.


"Type: Permission to Use the Family Farming Participation Identification Seal - SIPAF; Beneficiary: Agrosilviextractivist Cooperative based on Family and Sustainable Agriculture and Solidarity Economy - COPABASE; registered under CNPJ No. 10.502.010/0001-89; Administrative Procedure No.:

55000.003388/2010-72; Legal basis: Ordinance MDA No. 45 of July 28, 2009, published in the Official Gazette of the Union on July 29, 2009; Validity: 05 (five) years, counted from the date of publication of the extract of this decision in the Federal Official Gazette; Signed: Afonso Florense, Minister of State for Agrarian Development, Holder." The use of the Seal was allowed for the following products:

  • Saffron;

  • raw baru nuts;

  • roasted baru chestnut;

  • Cassava flour;

  • Fruit pulp (pineapple, cashew, orange, mango, guava, araticum, araçá, mangaba, tamarind, genipap, cagaita, sour coconut, jabuticaba, passion fruit, acerola);

  • Pollen.

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